A brighter tomorrow starts today
Every day we help Fargo-area children like yours with autism or other developmental disabilities learn new skills and behaviors — so they can experience more independence and joy in life.
Every day we help Fargo-area children like yours with autism or other developmental disabilities learn new skills and behaviors — so they can experience more independence and joy in life.
उत्तरी डकोटामा पहिलो BHCOE- मान्यता प्राप्त क्लिनिक
क्लिनिकल हेरचाह, कर्मचारी, र ग्राहक सन्तुष्टि मा व्यवहार स्वास्थ्य सेवा प्रदायक मा उत्कृष्टता को मान्यता।
At Full Circle, your child’s progress is our number one goal. That’s why we provide multiple therapies, including ABA, speech therapy, and occupational therapy. This creates a smoother process for your child to reach their goals, as transitions are reduced and our therapists are all on the same page.
And unlike most clinics, we don’t limit your child to seeing one therapist in one area at a time. We do things differently — especially to help children who are struggling.
If your child is struggling with overlapping challenges, our all-in-one, collaborative approach could be a game-changer.
For example, say your child is having a hard time in speech due to a behavioral challenge. In this case, someone from our behavior team will step in and work alongside our speech therapist to gently help your child overcome barriers to progress.
With the focused attention from therapists with multiple areas of expertise, your child will find a supportive environment where they can learn — perhaps for the first time ever — new skills and behaviors that will enable them to keep learning and progressing.
Thanks to our unique collaborative approach, many of our clients who had previously been unsuccessful in speech or occupational therapy elsewhere are now able to access those services with us. This gives these children — and others who are overcoming various challenges — the opportunity to achieve new goals across multiple areas, so they can ultimately reach their full potential.
Source: Behavioral Health Center for Excellence
हामी तपाईंको बीमा कम्पनीसँग काम गर्नेछौं र सेवाहरू सुरु गर्नु अघि तपाईंले स्क्वायर भएको सुनिश्चित गर्नेछौं।
हाम्रो सहकार्य
नतिजा पाउँछ
“Many of our clients who had been unsuccessful in speech and OT due to their behaviors are now able to access those therapies with us, thanks to the strong collaboration between our therapists.”
ब्रिटनी बाचमेयर,
पूर्ण सर्कल बाल चिकित्सा समाधान को सह‑मालिक
No matter your child’s age, the sooner we’re able to teach new skills and behaviors, the more likely they are to have an improved long-term outcome.
And as your child makes progress, our goal is for you to see your quality of life improve as well (like making a peaceful trip to the grocery store). Every step counts, and we’ll be here to help you celebrate each and every milestone!
अनुसन्धानले प्रारम्भिक हस्तक्षेपलाई विकासात्मक असक्षमता भएका बालबालिकाको उपचार गर्ने सबैभन्दा प्रभावकारी तरिका भएको देखाएको छ।
यदि तपाईं आफ्नो बच्चालाई सेवाहरू चाहिन्छ कि भनेर निश्चित हुनुहुन्न भने, तपाईंले तल CDC को विकासात्मक माइलस्टोन उपकरण विरुद्ध तिनीहरूको विकास प्रगति जाँच गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ वा हामीसँग नि:शुल्क स्क्रीनिंगको समय तालिका बनाउन सक्नुहुन्छ।