Support For Students

Better outcomes happen when we’re consistent and all work together

We love working with schools and can help support your child in many ways

Our behavior team is highly trained in school-based behavioral consulting. Since many of us have worked in the public schools, we know and respect first-hand the tremendous role the education team plays in your child’s learning and development.

Some of the ways Full Circle behavior analysts and the behavior support team can help improve your child’s school experience:

  • Advocate for your child and family while partnering with your child’s IEP team
  • Assist the school with assessment and intervention development (see FBA/BIP below).
  • Provide consultation and training to your child’s educational team.

We believe it’s vital for everyone working with your child to be on the same page.

That way, we help ensure interventions are consistent and effective across all settings, including school.

And consistency makes it easier for your child to follow their behavior plan, make progress, and reach their goals.

Support For Schools And School Districts

Let our experience and expertise support your programs and staff

To conduct a functional behavior analysis (FBA), our board-certified behavior analyst (BCBA) will gather information through direct and indirect methods such as interviews, records reviews, observation, data collection and data analysis.

The information will be synthesized into a report to present to the IEP team with an accompanying individualized positive behavior support plan. The plans are written to assist the school team with supporting the student, outlining how to increase and decrease specific behaviors of interest by modifying and preventing antecedents, teaching new skills, and reinforcing replacement behaviors.

The Full Circle behavior support team will train and coach the school staff on the implementation of the plan, ensure fidelity is reached, and evaluate the efficacy of each plan through data analysis.

Staff training can be tailored to the specific needs of school-based staff or classrooms for any type of staff: teachers, administrators, behavior technicians, paraprofessionals, etc.

Training topics may include data collection, identifying the function of behaviors, using reinforcement effectively, responding to problem behavior, increasing communication, and/or facilitating social skills.

Training can be provided virtually or in a lecture style with embedded role-plays and activities.

Follow-up consultation sessions or training can be developed to build upon the knowledge base of a specific staff group.

Full Circle provides districts with temporary short and-long term staffing solutions. Positions include the following:

  • Speech-Language Pathologist
  • Special Education Teacher
  • BCBA
  • School Psychologist
  • Registered Behavior Technician
  • Parent Trainer

Full Circle Academy

We provide integrated academic and therapeutic support at Full Circle Academy, our private K‑5 school for children with exceptionalities.