At Full Circle Pediatric Solutions, we offer social skills groups for different ages and skill sets

PEERS® Social Skills Groups for Adolescents

PEERS® for Adolescents is an evidence-based social skills intervention for motivated teens in middle and high school who are interested in making and keeping friends and/or handling conflict and rejection.

Teens and parents attend this program for 90 minutes per week over the course of 16 weeks. Teens are taught through didactic lessons and role-play demonstrations, and practice these skills during the group.

Parents attend separate sessions simultaneously and are taught how to assist their teens in making and keeping friends. Parent participation is required.

This group is led by a Certified PEERS provider and also supported by BCBAs and RBTs.

Source: PEERS

Teens will learn about:

  • Developing and maintaining friendships
  • Conversational skills
  • Entering and exiting conversations
  • Electronic communication
  • Using humor appropriately
  • Organizing get-togethers
  • Being a good sport
  • Handling disagreements
  • Changing a bad reputation
  • Handling teasing and bullying

Primary and Intermediate Social Group

Our primary (k‑2) and intermediate (3rd-5th) groups are structured as either leisure-based social groups for our learners with emerging language, or a behavioral skills training (BST) approach which consists of instruction, modeling, rehearsal and feedback. Each participant is matched with their best-fit service delivery model. Examples of target skills for development include sharing, tolerating losing, self-advocacy, conflict resolution, perspective-taking, and more! 

Accept. Identify. Move (AIM)

AIM is a behavior analytic curriculum for social and emotional development. It raises the bar for what best practice can be for children struggling with social discomfort, challenging behaviors, and the daily struggles with life they must navigate.

AIM blends together the concepts of Mindfulness, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Applied Behavior Analysis. Together the approach seeks to improve the lives of children with or without disabilities who struggle with social and emotional challenges.

This group is led by a BCBA trained in the AIM curriculum and is supported by RBTs.

Source: AIM

Interested in learning more about our social groups?

There’s a world of difference between insisting on someone’s doing something and establishing an atmosphere in which that person can grow into wanting to do it.

— Fred Rogers

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