What is neuropsychological testing?

Neuropsychological testing refers to a number of tests that healthcare providers use to get information about how your brain works. Specially trained psychologists — neuropsychologists — look at the results to better understand the relationship between your brain health and behavior, and mood and thinking (cognition). These tests can help healthcare providers:

  • Determine a diagnosis

Your healthcare provider may use your neuropsychological test results to help understand the cause of your issues with thinking and understanding. For example, let’s say you’re having difficulties with memory. Your results might help your provider distinguish between normal changes from aging, a neurological illness, depression, anxiety or other causes.

  • Identify strengths and weaknesses in your thinking processes (cognition).

Sometimes, your healthcare provider may order tests if you’ve had a neurological injury, like a stroke or traumatic brain injury. They may also test you to get a baseline, for instance, if you play contact sports or have a family history of dementia. This way, your healthcare team can compare future test results to help understand how you’re doing. They may also use baseline results to see whether a treatment is helping you.

  • Understand your personal risk for changes in your ability to think that can occur with certain brain surgeries.
  • Develop plans for future treatment and interventions like occupational, speech, or behavior therapy.

Providers can use test results to decide the focus of rehab or which strengths might be able to compensate for weaknesses. They may also use neuropsychological test results to recommend adjustments to school or work schedules or to determine which skills are most important to you to work on.

Meet our Neuropsychologist
Dr. Justin J. Boseck
Dr. Justin J. Boseck
Ph.D., L.P., ABPdN, CBIS, CIC, NCSP — Neuropsychologist 

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