Our Mission Statement
At Full Circle Pediatric Solutions, we’re dedicated to serving children with varying needs and abilities, along with their families, so they can reach their full potential. We believe in providing high-quality, ethical services to allow for individualized growth and development of life-long skills by supporting the whole child—full circle.
Our Core Values
Collaboration / Empowerment / Evidence-based / Integrity
Who We Are
We created Full Circle Pediatric Solutions in 2019 based on our shared goal of providing high-quality, evidence-based interventions to children and adolescents with varying needs and abilities.
We encourage active collaboration with parents and/or the school team throughout the duration of our services. Research indicates that engaging all who interact with the child in the treatment planning process leads to better generalization of skills across settings as it allows for multiple opportunities for the child to learn and practice new skills. Our goal is to build strong relationships and help the family as a whole provide effective, consistent, and reinforced learning opportunities outside the therapy sessions in order to achieve the best outcomes for the child.
Meet Our Co-founders
We’re dedicated to keeping ourselves on the forefront of evidence-based therapies and approaches to help your child reach their goals

Rachel waxay asal ahaan ka timid Harvey ee miyiga Waqooyiga Dakota. Rachel waxay leedahay waayo-aragnimo 10 sano ka badan oo ka shaqaynaysa nidaamka dugsiga, ugu horrayn ee goobta Waxbarashada Gaarka ah ee Carruurnimada Hore ee la shaqaynaysa carruurta da’doodu tahay 3–5. Rachel waxay haysataa Shahaadada ASHA ee Kartida Caafimaadka waxayna u fasaxday inay ku tababarto Waqooyiga Dakota. Rachel waxay heshay tababar ku saabsan Hannaanka Isgaarsiineed ee Fariinta Muuqaalka iyo Sawirka Isdhaafsiga. Rachel iyo ninkeeda Joe waxay leeyihiin saddex carruur ah. Waqtigeeda firaaqada ah, waxay ku raaxaysataa safarka, ciyaaraha kala duwan, ku farxidda Green Bay Packers iyo NDSU Bison, iyo daawashada carruurteeda hawlahooda gaarka ah.
Meelaha xiisaha:- Dhaqanka afka ah
- Nidaamyada waxbaridda falanqaynta dabeecadda la dabaqay
- Aaladaha isgaadhsiinta ee kordhinta iyo beddelka ah
- Habka Isgaarsiinta Is-weydaarsiga Sawirka (PECS)
- Qoraal
- Codaynta
- Daahitaanka luqadda iyo cilladaha
- Master of Science: Dhibaatooyinka Isgaarsiinta
- Bachelor of Science: Sayniska Hadalka-Luuqadda-Maqalka
- Yar: Tababarid

- Nidaamka Isgaadhsiinta Sawirka Isdhaafsiga
- Taageerada Luuqadda Bulshada
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Qoraal
- Codaynta
- Dib u dhaca luuqada iyo khalkhalka
- Master of Science: Hadalka-Luuqada Pathology
- Shahaadada qalin-jabinta: Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Bachelor of Science: Sayniska Hadalka-Luuqadda-Maqalka
- Yar: Waxbarashada Gaarka ah

Meelaha xiisaha:
- Organizational behavior management
- Behavioral multi-tiered system of support (MTSS‑B)
- Integrated systems framework
- Systems level change
- School-Based functional behavior assessment
- Social/Emotional skills training
- Staff and parent training
- Restraint and seclusion prevention
- Client, student, and family advocacy
- Graduate Certificate: Applied Behavior Analysis
- Master of Science and Specialist: School Psychology
- Shahaadada qalin-jabinta: Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Bachelor of Arts: Psychology and Spanish
- Minor: International Studies
Meet Our Administrative Staff
Our administrative staff will welcome you each day and always help to keep things running smoothly.